Mapping and information management resources

MapAction's example product catalogue contains a lot of useful resources and information relating to different aspects of humanitarian mapping including context, audience, data and methods for a range of humanitarian situations.

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Our example product catalogue provides resources for different types of humanitarian mapping and information management, including:

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MapAction provides mapping and information management services to humanitarian responders and country teams to help them respond to and prepare for sudden onset and complex emergencies. We work through highly skilled and trained GIS/information management expert volunteers who are ready to deploy at very short notice to anywhere in the world. MapAction is a partner of international humanitarian agencies such as the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), World Food Program (WFP) and regional agencies such as the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (ASEAN AHA Centre).

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